1) Which one of the following octahedral complexes will not show geometrical isomerism? (a and b are monodendate ligands) a) [Ma5b] b) [Ma2b4] c) [Ma3b3] d) [Ma4b2] 2) Complexes containing a central metal atom with unpaired electrons are a) diamagnetic b) paramagnetic c) diamagnetic 3) If the co-ordination number of a complex is 4, the hybridisation will be a) sp3 b) sp3d2 c) dsp2 d) a or c 4) An example for strong ligands is a) CO b) CN- c) NH3 d) All of these 5) The number of isomers possible for square planar complex [Pt(NH3)(CO)ClBr] is a) 2 b) 1 c) 3 d) 4

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