Look Up To (Role Model/Respect/Wish/Appreciate) - to respect and admire (someone), Get Away With (Punish/Wrong/Criticize/Blame) - to succeed in avoiding punishment for something, Get Along With (Friendly/Like/Hang out/Understand) - have a harmonious or friendly relationship, Get over something/someone (Accept/Move on/overcome/deal with) - feel better after something or someone has made you unhappy, Break up with  (Separate/Divorce/Relationship/Fight) - to end a relationship with someone, Put Up With  (Tolerate/Accept/Behavior/Bad) - to accept somebody/something that is annoying, unpleasant, Make Up  (End/Fight/Friends/Quarrel) - become friends again after an argument or disagreemen, Make It Up To someone   (Compensate/ignoring/Unfair/Treated) - compensate someone for negligent or unfair treatment., Stick With something (Continue/Do/Difficult/Hard) - to continue using or doing (something), Stand for something (Support/Recommend/Situation/Idea) - to support or represent a particular idea,

Phrasal Verbs Taboo2

Tauler de classificació

Targetes Flash és una plantilla de final obert. No genera puntuacions per a una taula de classificació.

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