quite a few/a lot - a large number of something, quite a while - a long time, rather - more than a little but less than a lot, rather than - instead of, real - true or genuine, regular - normal/happening or done at fixed times or in a fixed order, relatively +Adjective. - not very good/bad/cheap, but not terrible either, permanent - lasting forever or a very long time, second - coming after the first, seems like/as if/to - it appears to be, self-service - a system in which customers serve themselves, proper - correct or suitable, since - because / from the time when something happened until now, single - only one, single parent - a parent who raises a child or children without the other parent, singular - (of a noun) referring to one thing, so - therefore/used to show the purpose of something, so (that) - in order to, social media - websites and apps that allow people to connect and share information with each other, somewhat - slightly, sound like/as if/as though - to seem or appear to be, sound(s) good / strange, etc. - to be pleasing or unpleasant to the ear,
Band2 definitions- page 10 Adjectives, Adverbs and phrases
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Band 2 updated 2023
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