complex - involving a lot of different but related parts, manual - involving the use of the hands, medical - relating to the treatment of disease or injury, physical - relating to the body, practical - relating to experience, real situation or actions rather than to ideas or imagination, professional - relating to a job that needs special education or training, secure - dependable, not likely to change, technical - relating to the knowledge, machines or methods used in science or industry, academic - related to subjects that require thinking and studying, acquire - to get or receive something, or to learn something, advisor - someone whose job is to give advice about a subject, internship - a period of time in which someone works for an organisation or company in order to gain experience in a particular type of work, mechanical - related to machines, specialist - someone with a lot of experience or skill in a subject, understanding - knowledge about a subject, vocational - providing skills or education that prepare you for a specific trade or profession,

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