algorithm - a set of step by step instructions, hardware - a physical device like a computer or a micro:bit that is told what to do by computer programs (software), loops - allow you to repeat sets of instructions without having to write them out multiple times., program - a set of instructions written in code that performs a given taskon shown on the LED display, software - a set of programs used to perform a task, which is usually more complex than a single program., string - a collection of letters, numbers or symbols stored in a computer, for example, the letters that make up your name., physical computing - Building interactive physical systems using software and hardware that can sense and respond to the analog world., microcontroller - A small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor, memory, and programmable inputs and outputs., algorithmic thinking - The process of solving problems using a series of steps., flowchart - A diagram that represents an algorithm, work flow, or process, and uses geometric symbols connected by arrows to show the direction of the flow of action., problem decomposition - To break a problem down into smaller pieces., conditional statement - A command that performs different actions depending on whether a condition is true or false., infinite loop - a loop that runs forever, sensor - an input that senses things in the real world, such as movement, temperature, and light levels, accelerometer - An instrument used to measure acceleration., variable - a container for storing data which can be accessed and updated while a program is running, sequence - the specific order of instructions, digital - Data represented as either yes/no or true/false., analog - Data that ranges on a continuous scale., actuator - A type of motor or servo that is responsible for moving or controlling a mechanism or components., Internet of Things (IoT) - The network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items that enable these objects to collect and exchange data., event handler - A block of code that is triggered when a certain event happens., data packet - A method of transferring data by breaking it into small chunks called packets., emulator - A simulator that imitates a program or events., processor - A chip that processes information and data from input and delivers information or data as an output., computation - Any type of calculation that follows a well-defined process like an algorithm., runtime - The period when a program is running. Runtime begins when a program is opened (or executed) and ends when the program is closed., abstraction - The process of reducing complexity by hiding unnecessary details to make it easier to think about a problem., anomaly - Something unexpected that happens while a program is running., elegant code - Code that is easy to read and understand its logic.,

6th Grade CS Vocab

per en/la

Tauler de classificació

Estil visual


Canvia de fonament

Restaurar desada automàtica: ?