1) It's not necessary to have experience to do the job. a) You have to b) You don't have to c) You shouldn't d) You should 2) It's obligatory for builders to wear hard hats here. a) builders shouldn't b) builders shoudln't c) builders must d) builders musntn't 3) In our school, teachers are not allowed wear jeans. a) teachers shouldn't b) teachers have to c) teachers must d) teachers mustn't 4) It's essential for Karen to be calm in her job. a) Karen has to b) Karen doesn't have to c) Karen should d) Karen shouldn't 5) It's not obligatory for receptionists to speak French. a) receptionists shouldn't b) receptionists doesn't have to c) receptionists don't have to d) receptionists mustn't 6) It's a good idea for Frank to work in the summer. a) Frank shouldn't b) Frank should c) Frank must d) Frank has to 7) It isn't a good idea to wear very informal clothes for a job interview. a) You must b) You don't have to c) You should d) You shouldn't

T2- Obligation, prohibition or advice?

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