1) Talk about two people that you get along with really well at school/work. 2) Tell us some of the things you can do on your own. 3) Who usually gives you a hand with your homework/work assignments when you need it? 4) Are you blond or dark-haired? 5) How old does a person have to be to vote in Brazil? 6) Do you think having a student council is important for a school? Explain. 7) Which school subject do you think is more diffucult, algebra or geomatry? 8) Name two sports you think are interesting and compare them. 9) Who are the most important people in your life? Why? 10) What is the most difficult school subject in your opinion? 11) Ask a friend who knows how to swim if he or she is an expert swimmer. 12) Pretend you see an elderly woman crossing the street and she doesn't see there is a car coming her direction. What can you say to warn her?


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