1) What colour was the diamond? a) Green b) Black c) Blue 2) What was the name of the hotel where the Countess of Morcar was staying?  a) Baker Street Hotel. b) Cosmopolitan Hotel. c) Peterson's Hotel. 3) What was the name of Sherlock's assistant? a) Dr Peterson. b) Dr Baker. c) Dr .Watson. 4) What did Mr Peterson find in the street? a) A walking stick. b) A hat and a goose. c) A diamond. 5) Was the hat new? a) Yes. b) No. 6) Where did Sherlock live? a) At 222 B Baker Street. b) At 221 B Baker Street. c) At 221 B Peterson Street. 7) According to Sherlock, why was Mr Baker's hat dirty?   a) Because his wife didn't love him. b) Because he was clever. c) Because the hat was expensive. 8) Why did Sherlock think Henry Baker was very clever? a) Because his hat was big. b) Because his hat was dirty. c) Because his hat was old. 9) Who stole the diamond?  a) Mr Henry Baker. b) Mr Peterson. c) James Ryder. 10) What did James Ryder's sister have at the back of her house? a) A diamond. b) Some hens. c) Some geese. 11) What was there inside the goose? a) A ring b) A diamond c) A hat d) A  magnifying glass 12) Who helped James Ryder to steal the diamond? a) Sherlock's assistant, Dr Watson b) James Ryder's sister c) The Countess' assistant, Ms Cusack

The Blue Diamond 18/11

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