1) A place where guns are stored a) Arsenal b) Fugitive c) Treason d) Secede 2) An agreement over slavery by which California joined the Union as a free state and strict fugitive slave laws were passed a) Compromise of 1850 b) Dred Scott v Sandford c) Missouri Compromise d) Kansas-Nebraska Act 3) An 1857 Supreme Court case that brought into question the federal power over slavery in the territories a) Dred Scott v Sandford b) Missouri Compromise c) Fugitive Slave Act d) Free-Soil Party 4) The bipartisan antislavery party founded in the US in 1848 to keep slavery out of the western territories a) Free-Soil Party b) Republican Party c) Compromise of 1850 d) Missouri Compromise 5) A runaway a) Fugitive b) Martyr c) Arsenal d) Secede 6) One of two acts passed in 1793 and 1850 that provided for the capture and return of fugitive slaves a) Fugitive Slave Act b) Compromise of 1850 c) Fugitive d) Arsenal 7) An 1854 law that established the territories of Nebraska and Kansas, giving the settlers of each territory the right of popular sovereignty to decide on the issue of slavery a) Kansas-Nebraska Act b) Popular Sovereignty c) Free-Soil Party d) Missouri Compromise 8) A person who dies for his or her beliefs a) Martyr b) Fugitive c) Arsenal d) Treason 9) An agreement, proposed in 1819 by Henry Clay, to keep the number of slave and free states equal a) Missouri Compromise b) Compromise of 1850 c) Kansas-Nebraska Act d) Popular Sovereignty 10) Government by consent of the governed a) Popular Sovereignty b) Treason c) Secede d) Free-Soil Party 11) To withdraw from membership in a group a) Secede b) Siege c) Treason d) Martyr 12) To surround and blockade an enemy town or position with troops to force it to surrender a) Siege b) Secede c) Fugitive d) Martyr 13) A political party established in the US in 1854 with the goal of keeping slavery out of the western territories a) Republican Party b) Free-Soil Party c) Popular Sovereignty d) Kansas-Nebraska Act 14) A betrayal or action against one’s country a) Treason b) Fugitive c) Arsenal d) Martyr

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