1) When I was a kid I ..... comics before going to bed. a) used to look b) use to read c) used to read 2) Carla was wearing a ........... a) patterned blouse b) plain skirt c) plain blouse 3) Look!! I have 500 new .... in my instagram account. a) views b) followers c) videos 4) .......... means that you can't see colours. a) Anosmia b) Colour-blindness c) Colour sensation 5) The five senses are... a) See b) Smell c) Taste d) Sight e) Touch f) Hearing 6) James ..... for a perfume company for twenty years. a) have worked b) has work c) has worked 7) They ............ the new movie. a) still have seen b) alreday haven't seen c) still haven't seen 8) Have .................. tried a water slide? a) you ever b) you never c) you still 9) In some parts of the world people ...... to buy food. a) have afford b) can have c) can't afford 10) She ............ when I .... a) was sleeping/ arrive b) was sleeping / arrived c) sleep / arrive 11) I ........... about the damage we make to our planet. a) worried b) happy c) worry 12) You have already finished your homework, ...... ? a) have you? b) did you? c) haven't you? 13) They are listening to music, .....? a) don't they? b) aren't they? c) are they? 14) Which would you prefer climbing a mountain or swimming in the sea? a) Yes, I do. b) I'd rather swimm in the sea. c) No, thanks. 15) She ........ in London for ten years. Now, she lives in New York. a) live b) has lived c) lived

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