What's a normal sinus rhythm? - 60-100 bpm, what's bradycardia? - heart rate under 60 bpm, What causes sinus arrhythmia? - changes in breathing, How is asystole represented on an EKG? - flat line, What does it mean if an ectopic beat is fired? - firing of heartbeat happens outside SA Node, What holds the heart valves in place? - chordae tendinea, What's the term for the sound of a faulty action in the heart? - heart murmur, During what phase does the heart chamber empty the blood? - contraction phase, What's the term for insufficient blood supply to the myocardium? - ischemia, What is an MI (myocardial infarction)? - heart attack, due to insufficient blood supply to the heart, What's a major cause of heart failure? - high BP, What's the term for buildup of fatty plaque in arteries? - atherosclerosis, Where does the base of the heart lie? - between the lungs, What is angina? - chest pain, due to decreased O2 to the heart, What is the shape of the heart? - upside pear, Where is the impulse coming from if the heart rate goes 40 -60 bpm? - AV Node, Which vessel carries blood to all parts of the body? - Aorta, Where's the apex of the heart located? - above the diaphragm, What phase is the bottom number of a blood pressure? - Diastolic, What does each large square on an EKG represent? - 5mm, How many seconds does each small square on an EKG represent? - 0.04 seconds, What is agonal on an EKG? - less than 20 bpm, What's asystole on an EKG? - flat line, What does an artificial pacemaker look like on an EKG? - straight, hard, vertical lines, What is the pointed end of the heart called? - Apex, If the ventricles are in systole, what's happening? - contraction, ventricles pumping out blood, What's the largest chamber of the heart? Why? - left ventricle;  because it pushes blood to the whole body, Where does blood go after the pulmonary vein? - left atrium, What's the speed for an EKG machine? - 25mm/sec, What would cause an interrupted baseline on an EKG? - dirty electrode, What's the diameter of coronary artery? - 1/8 ' (one-eighth inch), What type of circulation moves blood ll parts of the body? - systemic circulation, What's the purpose of gel on an electrode? - conduct electricity, What encloses the heart? - epicardium, What are steps from plaque buildup to death of patient? - plaque builds up, then breaks of, then travels to narrow artery, then cuts off blood supply and death, Name 4 layers of heart - begin with inner layer: - endocardium, myocardium, epicardium, pericardium, If patient has normal sinus rhythm of 80 bpm, where is the signal coming from? - SA Node, What is the term for the relaxing phase of the heart - also called diastole? - repolarization, What are two other names for contraction? - depolarization, systole, What occurs when heart valves do not close completely? - valvular insufficiency (leaky valve), What's the term for baseline, no electrical activity - polarization, What's the normal standard setting for EKG? - 10mm, What brings air directly to the lungs? - bronchi, What shows atrial contraction on an EKG? - P wave, What's another name for aVR, aVL, aVF? - augmented leads, What's the first part of the respiratory system? - Nose, What's the term for additional activity picked up on EKG and causes interference? - artifact, How is blood oxygenated in the lungs? - through alveoli and capillaries in the lungs, Which wave repolarizes at the end of EKG? - T Wave,

EKG Practice 51 - 100

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