Go from one place to another., These people travel in space., Things that will happen later, not now., It's long and thin and carries astronauts., The Earth is one., A big ship that travels around in space., These help us to use mobile phones and TV. They travel above the Earth., We can see this at night time from Earth., It gives us light and keeps us warm., They shine in the sky at night., It's all the bags you take on holiday., It'a little book with your name, photo and information obout where you are from., You use this to buy things from shops., You read this to see what is happenning in the world., You pack your holidays clothes into this big bag., This is money in the shape of a circle., This is a person who travels on a plane., When you switch on the TV you can see lot of different....., A programme for children with moving pictures., This tells you about things you can buy., You watch this programme to know what is happening in the world right now., This TV programme gives you information., You listen to music and news on this., You use this object to call your family and friends., This is a type of camera you can use to make films., You use this to change the channels., There are lots of these on your TV. You choose one to watch using the remote control., It's a very big sea., It's a hole in the rocks that you can get inside., It's a hot, wet place with lots of trees., It's a place smaller than a town., It's a special type of mountain that gets hotter as you go up and hot gas comes out of the top., It's land with water around it., There is lots of sand in this place and people travel by camel. , This is a place bigger than a town., It's a place smaller than a city but bigger than a village., It's a place in the desert  where there is water and plants., You use these to listen to sound on your computer., You use this to print out your documents., You use this to click on things on the screen., You can save your documents, photos, music onto this object., It's an action you do using a password., It's an action you do using the mouse., It's the part of the computer where you see words and pictures., You do this action so that you DON'T LOSE your work., You do this action to find the websites you need., It's a small red fruit with little seeds on the skin., You put food and drink in here to keep them cold., It's an object you use to make smoothies and soups., It's a drink made from fruit and milk which is made in a blender., It's a soft, orange fruit with green skin., It's an action you do when you put a drink into a glass., It's a drink which comes from cows. It has a lot of calcium., It's the top of the blender., You do this action to take the skin off fruit or vegetables., It's an action you do when you cut fruit or vegetables into small pieces..

INTEGRATION-Definitions Units 7-13 F&F 4

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