fitness - the condition of being physically strong and healthy, motivate - to be the reason why sb does sth, attend - to go to an event or a class, let down - to dissapoint sb by failing to do what you agreed to, one-to-one attention - the foucus of one person at a time, work out - to excercise in order to improve the strenght and appearance of the body, personal trainer - a person whose job is to help people decide what type of excercise is best for them and show them how to do it, class level - the degree of ability in a group of students, overdo - to do sth more than necessary, pull a muscle - to injure a muscle by stretching it too far, push yourself - to encourage ot force yourself to do sth or to work hard, aerobics session - a short period of time when a group of people do active physical excercises while listening to music, convince - to make sb believe that sth is true,

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