1) Who is  charles joughin ? a) b) c) 2) How old were you when you got on the Titanic? a) Charles was 30 years old. b) Charles was 23 years old. c) Charles was 34 years old. 3) Where was the person from? a) Charles was from Birkenhead,Japan b) Charles was from New York, United Kingdom c) Charles was from Birkenhead, United Kingdom 4) was the person a passenger or a crew member? if a passenger, what type of a) He bought the very expensive ticket. b) He did not have a ticket on the Titanic because he worked there. c) He had a free ticket for the Titanic. 5) Did the person survive? if so ,how? a) He was sick that day which helped him jump into the sea without fear, a lifeboat helped him. b) He was sick that day and that's why he was afraid to jump into the sea. c) He was drunk that day which helped him jump into the sea without fear, a lifeboat helped him. 6) What profession did Charles Joughin have on the Titanic? a) He was the captain of the ship b) He was the waiter on the titanic c) He was the chief baker

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