inspiring - Making others want to do or achieve something., compassionate - Showing kindness and a willingness to help others., resilient - Able to recover quickly from difficulties., wise - Having a lot of knowledge and good judgment., selfless - Putting others' needs before your own., courageous - Brave and willing to face fear or danger., dedicated - Committed and giving a lot of time and effort to something., generous - Willing to give more than is usual or expected., visionary - Having a clear, imaginative idea of the future., supportive - Providing encouragement and help., charismatic - Having a special charm or appeal that attracts others., hardworking - Putting a lot of effort into work and tasks., empathetic - Able to understand and share the feelings of others., humble - Not thinking too highly of oneself; modest., brilliant - Very intelligent or exceptionally talented., trustworthy - Reliable and can be depended on., motivated - Eager and willing to do something., kind-hearted - Having a gentle and caring nature., innovative - Able to come up with new and creative ideas., graceful - Moving or behaving in a smooth, elegant way.,

Describing people we admire - Adjectives

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