1. I wake up at ____ on school days. 2. First, I get dressed and eat breakfast. ____ that, I usually check my phone. 3. I always catch a train at ____ . I like to study English on the train. 4. I arrive at Nakashima station at 8:30 ____ and then walk to school. 5. My ____ is ____, because I always have a class in first and second period. 6. I like to meet my friend for lunch at 12:30 ____ She is really funny. 7. Next, I go to my ____ classes. My last one is in 4th ____. 8. I take the train home at ____, but ____ that I study in the library. 9. I have dinner and after that I watch YouTube in the ____. 10. I take a hot bath, study, and then go to bed at ____.

2.2 Daily Schedule, Prepositions & Pronouns Matt

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