南岛 - South island, 北岛 - North island, 马上 - immediately, 路人 - pedestrian, 找钱 - to give change, 请问 - excuse me/may I ask, 有空 - have free time, 没空 - have no time, 有事 - have things to do, 没事 - have nothing to do, 迷路 - lost way, 着急 - worry, 地图 - map, 认识 - to recognise/to know, 红绿灯 - traffic light, 十字路口 - intersection, 转盘 - roundabout, 过马路 - to cross the road, 一直走 - walk straight, 东边 - east side, 南边 - south side, 西边 - west side, 北边 - north side, 往右拐 - turn right, 往左拐 - turn left, 大海 - the sea, 海边 - beach, 我忘了 - I forgot, 送 - to send, 用 - to use,


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