1) Which is the biggest oceans? a) Bay of Bengal b) Pacific Ocean c) Indian Ocean d) Altantic Ocean 2) I lie between the South East directions a) South - East b) South - West c) South d) South - North 3) On a map I am shown by thick dashes and dots. a) dots b) Small circle c) Key d) Land boundry 4) What does the Latin word mappo mean ? a) paper b) napkin c) tissue d) colour paper 5) Who makes published first map ? a) Gerardus Mercator b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Jio biden d) Vasco da Gama 6) Parallels run from _________. a) east to west b) west to east c) north to south d) south to north 7) In which parallel that Mexico pass ? a) Equator b) Tropic of Capricorn c) Tropic of cancer d) Arabian line 8) Indian Ocean is the smallest Ocean in the world a) True b) false c) Cannot say 9) in which picture meander is there? a) b) c) 10) Write the landforms names ? a) plateaus, plains, mountains  b) plateaus, plains, mountains , c) plateaus, plains, mountains , desert 11) Deep valley in short word a) Delta b) meanders c) Valley d) Canyons 12) RAPIDS means PART OF A RIVER WHERE THE WATER FLOWS SLOWER OVER THE ROCKS._________ a) True b) False c) Cannot say 13) The biggest country in the world. a) Russia b) Pakistan c) China d) Canada e) USA (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) 14) Best democracy country is a) India b) Pakisthan c) Thailand d) Nepal 15) Most populated country is ______. IN 2024 a) China b) India c) Pakisthan d) USA 16) Strongest country in the world . As per 2024 a) INDIA b) RUSSIA c) USA d) CHINA 17) SMALLEST OCEAN IN THE WORLD. a) INDIAN OCEAN b) PACIFIC OCEAN c) BAY OF BENGAL d) ARCTIC OCEAN 18) In Antarctica which country is there. a) ALL THE COUNTRIES b) SOME COUNTRIES c) ONLY USA NOT ANY OTHER COUNTRIES. 19) Who is your favourite cricketer ? a) Ronaldo b) Messi c) Dhoni d) Virat kholi e) Ravindra jadeja 20) Who is your favourite? a) Family b) Best friend c) friend d) Mom e) Dad f) All are my favorite 21) Which is your favourite subject ? a) ENGLISH OR SOCIAL b) All the subjects c) SCIENCE  d) MATHS e) TAMIL OR French f) HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY

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