Nora had an operation to remove a lump on her shoulder, but luckily after a couple of days she could only feel slight discomfort and was able to get back to normal life - Slight discomfort is very gentle pain that is not bad and that does not affect you much., Before a day at the beach, Jane applied sunscreen to her face. However, she soon felt a burning sensation on her skin and had to wash it off quickly. - A burning sensation is a feeling of extreme heat accompanied by pain, often on your skin as in this case, or maybe in your oesophagus if you eat something too spicy., Leah was in agony, with terrible pains in her lower abdomen, but the doctors kept insisting that it was just bad period pains. Eventually her flatmate took her to A&E, and after a scan it turned out she had a 7cm cyst on her ovaries. - If you are in agony, you are in the most severe kind of unbearable pain, which stops you doing anything else or moving., After sitting in the same position for a long time while working on her computer, Laura felt a slight twinge in her neck and decided to get up and have a stretch. - If you feel a slight twinge, you get a sudden, quick, and mild pain or discomfort. The pain is not severe, but enough to make you aware of that there is something wrong., Jenny went for her annual flu shot at the doctor's office. As the needle went in, Jenny couldn't help but wince. - If you wince, you make a sudden small movement of pain without meaning to, often in response to something external., Tom woke up in the middle of the night with a sharp, stabbing pain in his abdomen. The pain was so severe that he could hardly move. He woke his partner who rushed him to the hospital, where the doctors diagnosed him with appendicitis. - A sharp stabbing pain is severe and sharp and feels like a knife has suddenly been stuck into you, Mark accidentally hit his thumb hard with a hammer while doing some DIY. For a couple of days after, he felt a throbbing pain in his thumb. - A throbbing pain is a continuous, pulsating pain that feels like a beating sensation. The pain gets stronger with each heartbeat, making it quite uncomfortable ., After a long day of moving furniture and cleaning the house, Dan ached all over, and he could hardly lift his arms or walk. - If you ache all over, you have a feeling of pain and discomfort in all the muscles of your body, in this case the result of doing too much physical activity all day, Janet had spent the whole day gardening, lifting pots and bending over. By the evening, she felt a dull ache in her lower back. - A dull ache is a mild and continuous pain that a person feels over a period of time and is aware of. It is not sharp or intense, but rather a discomfort that doesn't go away., After accidentally bumping into a table, Alex noticed that his thigh was tender to the touch, although it did not give him trouble otherwise. - If an area of your body is tender to the touch, it is sensitive and painful when even gentle touch is applied to that area, maybe because it has been bruised., During her period, Susan suffered from terrible cramps and had to lie down most of the time. - Cramps are pains in the lower abdomen, often suffered by women during their menstrual cycle, caused by muscles contracting., Susan took some ibuprofen and went to bed with a hot water bottle, and that help ease the pain a little. - If something eases your pain, it makes your pain less strong and unpleasant., David had been experiencing a nagging pain in his shoulder for weeks, but he kept trying to ignore it and hoped it would go away on its own. Finally it got to the point where he decided he had to go to the doctor. - A nagging pain is a feeling of pain that you have all the time and that annoys and bothers you, that is not easy to forget or ignore, Jo was doing some exercises when she suddenly felt a shooting pain in her left leg. The pain was intense and seemed to shoot up her leg, making her stop the exercise immediately. - A shooting pain is a sudden and intense burst of pain that travels rapidly along a part of your body, and that often feels like an electric shock., After a long day at work, John got a splitting headache, making it difficult for him to concentrate or do anything productive.  - A splitting headache describes a very strong and severe pain in your head, as though your head is going to split open., Jerrie is bedridden due to the crippling pain in her lower back. Even the slightest movement is unbearable and she can’t get up - Crippling pain is a very strong pain that makes it hard or impossible for a person to do normal activities. It can stop someone from moving, working, or taking care of themselves., Flora used to be a keen tramper, but she has been living with chronic pain in her knees for years, which now makes it hard for her to walk long distances. - Chronic pain is pain that lasts for a long time. It can be constant, or more or less severe over time, but it doesn't go away easily, even with treatment., Lauren enjoys running for exercise, but she finds she has to pace herself careful so that she does not get a stitch. - A stitch is a sudden, sharp pain usually felt on the side of your body, often during physical activities like running or exercising. It can make it difficult to continue the activity until the pain goes.,

Words to describe pain

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