World Wide Web (WWW) - A service that runs on the internet and consists of a vast collection of hyperlinked, interactive documents stored on computers all over the world., Website - Consists of different web pages, Hyperlink - A built-in connection to another website, web page or other resource., Web server - A computer that is connected to the internet and that hosts websites., Web address /URL - The unique address of a web page is known as a _______, Uniform Resource Locator - URL is short for _______, Internet Protocol - IP is short for _______, Web portal, information website, news website - Types of websites, Home page - The first page (‘landing’ page) of a website is called the_____ , Wiki - A website that allows for the collaborative (joint) creating and editing of web pages is called a______ , Web browser - A software application that allows one to view and explore web pages on the web, Search engine - A program that is used to search for documents located on the web by using keywords or phrases is called a ______,

The WWW - Grade 10

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