1) say that something isn't true a) deny b) threaten c) terrify 2) a wild animal that eats grass and runs fast a) instructor b) outrage c) deer 3) make someone feel very frightened a) trunk b) dread c) terrify 4) feel afraid or worried that something bag is going to happen a) threatened b) dread c) reportedly 5) strong feeling of anger a) outrage b) spokesperson c) erupt 6) sudden and loud release of energy that can cause damage a) explosion b) instruction c) terrified 7) protect yourself from danger or bad weather a) erupt b) take shelter c) the authorities 8) a person who teaches practical skills a) spokesperson b) instructor c) trunk 9) a group of politicians who are chosen to make laws a) parliament b) spokesperson c) the authorities 10) according to what people say a) outrageous b) reportedly c) bay 11) part of the coast where the sea is surrounded by land on 3 sides a) marine b) bay c) trunk 12) people that make other people follow the law a) the authorities b) trunk c) threatened 13) (of a volcano) throw out rocks and lava a) erupt b) instruct c) threat 14) take someone for treatment a) marine b) hospitalize c) legal 15) allowed by law a) marine b) record c) legal

Mindset Unit 3 voc2 + grammar 3.58-3.77

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