abuse - ill-treat, hurt, harm, aggression - attack, assault, beat up - act of aggression, bully (verb) - threaten to hurt or frighten someone or who does that, bullying - act of intimidating a weaker person, bystander - someone who watches what is happening without taking part, call names - insult, deceive - make someone believe something that isn't true, extortion - obtain something by force, harass - make someone's life unpleasant, hit - touch someone hard with hands, feet, a stick..., hurt - injure oneself or someone else, intimidate - frighten or threaten someone, lousy - very bad, sympathy - compassion, pity, gossip - rumour, suicide - sef-murder, violence - force, brutality, hostile - unfriendly, antagonistic, stalk - follow (a person) continually, usually to gain attention, report - make known the actions or conduct of somebody, tease - irritate or provoke a person with jokes and/or annoyances, coertion - use of force or intimidation to obtain cooperation, mean - nasty, unkind, cruel, bully (noun) - tormentor, tyrant, persecutor, power - authority, control, victim - prey, criticize - nag, disparage, happy slapping - attacking a victim in order to record the assault, harassement - act of annoying continuously,

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