1) Мне придется ехать на поезде. На самолет нет билетов. a) I must go by train. There are no any plane tickets left.  b) I will have to go by train. There are no any plane tickets left. c) I should go by train. There are no any plane tickets left. 2) Тебе действительно нужно уезжать так рано? a) Should you leave so early? b) Must you leave so early? c) Do you really have to leave so early? 3) Нам необязательно готовить сегодня. Можем сходить в ресторан. a) We don't have to cook today. We can go to the restaurant.  b) We mustn't cook today. We can go to the restaurant.  c) We shouldn't cook today. We can go to the restaurant. 4) Здесь нельзя курить. a) You don't have to smoke in here.  b) You mustn't smoke in here.  c) You shouldn't smoke in here. 5) Возле входа парковаться нельзя. a) You must not park near the entrance.  b) You do not have to park near the entrance. c) You should not to to park near the entrance. 6) Ты должен переходить дорогу только на зеленый свет. a) You should cross the road at the green traffic light. b) You have to cross the road at the green traffic light. c) You must cross the road at the green traffic light. 7) Вход свободный. Тебе не нужно покупать билет. a) Entry is free. You mustn't buy any tickets. b) Entry is free. You don't have to buy any tickets. c) Entry is free. You shouldn't buy any tickets. 8) Становится поздно. Думаю, мне следует пойти. a) It’s getting late. I think I must go now. b) It’s getting late. I think I have to go now. c) It’s getting late. I think I should go now. 9) Ты болен. Тебе следует прилечь. a) You are ill. You must lie down. b) You are ill. You have to lie down. c) You are ill. You should lie down.

5.3 - Have to, must, should

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