1) Past tense of " psát" a) writed b) wrote c) read d) wroted 2) past tense of " moci, smět" a) can b) could c) canned d) coold 3) past tense of " zakázat" a) forbid b) forbade c) forbidded d) forbaded 4) past tense of "kopat" a) dig b) digged c) dug d) dugged 5) Past tense of "kousat" a) bited b) bitted c) bite d) bit 6) past tense of " létat" a) flewd b) flown c) fly d) flew e) flied 7) past tense of " nosit na sobě" a) worn b) wore c) wear d) weared 8) past tense of " chytit" a) cought b) catch c) caught d) catched 9) past tense of " říci" a) told b) tell c) telled d) tolded 10) past tense of " odejít, opustit" a) leave b) leafed c) leaved d) left 11) past tense of "ztratit" a) lose b) losed c) lost d) loosed 12) past tense of " potkat" a) meetted b) meted c) meeted d) met 13) past tense of " plavat" a) swim b) swum c) swam d) swammed 14) past tense of "sedět" a) sit b) sitted c) sat d) satted e) stood 15) Past tense of "mluvit" a) spoke b) spoken c) speak d) speaked e) spoked 16) past tense of " stavět" a) build b) builded c) built d) builted 17) past tense of " schovat" a) hide b) hid c) hit d) hidded e) hided 18) past tense of " zvonět" a) rung b) ringed c) runged d) rang 19) past tense of " vidět" a) see b) seen c) sawed d) saw e) sawn 20) past tense of " jet, řídit" a) drove b) drived c) driven d) drive

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