Ben: Well, here we are. The station. The next ____ on the map is a piece of train track, so let's look for the next line there.Lucy: In the ____? No, let's get on a train. Ben: Ok! Where shall we go? Lucy: Hmm. London, Cambridge, Oxford, Hull, Blackhill. Yes! I've got an aunt in Blackhill. Let's go there! Ben: Right. here's the ticket ____? Lucy: It's over there. Let's get our ____. Ben: And then we can get something to drink. I'm thirsty. Yes, let's have a ____ of coffee. Lucy: Coffee? I don't like coffee. Ben: A cup of ____, then? Just kidding. Lucy: Right. First the tickets, then the drinks. Ben: Two return tickets to Black hill, please.Clerk: Two ____ tickets to Blackhill. Ok. Lucy: How ____ is it? Clerk: That's 28 ____. Ben: There you are. When does the next train leave? Clerk: At half past eleven from ____ 2. Ben: Thank you. Come on, Buster, we're going to get a ____ and a bowl of water for you. Lucy: Let's take the ____. Ben: Oh dear. Buster doesn't like escalators. Sorry, Buster, but the stairs are on the other side. Come on, boy.

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