1) A prairie dog builds a tunnel in the sand. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 2) The prairie dog gives a warning call so others can hide when a hawk flies by. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 3) A plant takes in water from the rain. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 4) The fish swims in a school to confuse predators. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 5) The anole lizard rested on one of the rocks and lifted its head toward the light. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 6) A honeybee collects pollen from flower to flower. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 7) The fish opens its mouth and uses its gills to get oxygen from the water. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 8) Fish swimming in pond a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 9) The tadpole nibbles on the algae growing on a log. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 10) A bird hunts for insects and spiders to feed its chicks. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 11) The anole lizard climbed the plant and then ate a cricket off one of the leaves. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 12) A hippo floats in the water. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 13) A honeybee flies across a field of flowers a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions 14) A bird drinking and taking a bath in a puddle of water. a) Living - Living Interactions b) Living - NonLiving Interactions

Identifying Interactions in an Ecosystem

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