
Ks3 maths

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Tizedes tört szorzása 10, 100, 1000
Tizedes tört szorzása 10, 100, 1000 Complete the sentence
Pitagorasz-tétel szövegkiegészítés
Pitagorasz-tétel szövegkiegészítés Complete the sentence
Gyökvonás igaz-hamis
Gyökvonás igaz-hamis Tama o Sayup
A kör részei
A kör részei Match up
Szókereső - Pitagorasz-tétel
Szókereső - Pitagorasz-tétel Wordsearch
Arányosság Match up
Hozzárendelések, függvények - fogalmak
Hozzárendelések, függvények - fogalmak Find the match
Maths Random wheel
Matek, Maths
Matek, Maths Quiz
MATHS Random wheel
Geometriai alapfogalmak
Geometriai alapfogalmak Match up
Halmazfogalmak Match up
Osztás 10-zel
Osztás 10-zel Complete the sentence
szorzás 10-zel
szorzás 10-zel Complete the sentence
Calculate the area !
Calculate the area ! Match up
3D shapes, names and faces - alternative
3D shapes, names and faces - alternative Group sort
Mental maths
Mental maths Matching pairs
Matematika, Maths
Matematika, Maths Quiz
numbers - maths
numbers - maths Quiz
Maths generator
Maths generator Gameshow quiz
Függvények Match up
gyök Find the match
gyök-7103 Find the match
Module 1b The Maths Puzzle
Module 1b The Maths Puzzle Complete the sentence
UNIT 1F - MATHS (matching)
UNIT 1F - MATHS (matching) Match up
Maths in Christmas
Maths in Christmas Open the box
UNIT 1F - MATHS (crossword)
UNIT 1F - MATHS (crossword) Crossword
Maths 4.a
Maths 4.a Open the box
The maths puzzle
The maths puzzle Open the box
UNIT 1F - MATHS (boxes)
UNIT 1F - MATHS (boxes) Open the box
Just some Maths
Just some Maths Maze chase
Expanding brackets
Expanding brackets Match up
Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic Sequences Match up
Match up - Time.
Match up - Time. Match up
collecting like terms randomizer
collecting like terms randomizer Random wheel
Their / there
Their / there Complete the sentence
Engage Task: Mental Maths Quiz (Mixed Topics)
Engage Task: Mental Maths Quiz (Mixed Topics) Quiz
Area Quiz
Area Quiz Quiz
collecting like terms
collecting like terms Find the match
Up to 12 times tables
Up to 12 times tables Balloon pop
What's the missing number?
What's the missing number? Find the match
Lora let's play with Maths
Lora let's play with Maths Quiz
bobe-let's play with Maths
bobe-let's play with Maths Eroplano
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