
7 8

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788 resulta sa '7 8'

 Do does sort
Do does sort Group sort
Past continuous
Past continuous Quiz
 Regular verbs in simple past
Regular verbs in simple past Quiz
حرف التاء
حرف التاء Flash cards
مذكر مؤنث
مذكر مؤنث Group sort
Simple Future Tense
Simple Future Tense Quiz
Subject - Verb - Agreement
Subject - Verb - Agreement Quiz
Simple Present Regular Verbs
Simple Present Regular Verbs Quiz
Past Simple - regular verbs
Past Simple - regular verbs Group sort
Matching the definitions of subject/ object pronouns
Matching the definitions of subject/ object pronouns Match up
Telling the Time
Telling the Time Quiz
Addition within 10
Addition within 10 Quiz
HSK 4 8
HSK 4 8 Unjumble
كلمات فيها حروف تنطق ولا تكتب (الألف)
كلمات فيها حروف تنطق ولا تكتب (الألف) Watch and memorize
كلمات فيها حروف تنطق ولا تكتب
كلمات فيها حروف تنطق ولا تكتب Tama o Sayup
Review of units 7-8 (5)
Review of units 7-8 (5) Complete the sentence
حرف الغين
حرف الغين Group sort
Meanings China 7th
Meanings China 7th Gameshow quiz
 حرف الغين سمعي
حرف الغين سمعي Tama o Sayup
 -ing or to inf (2)
-ing or to inf (2) Quiz
Find the match
Find the match Find the match
Camping Labelled diagram
c/k/ck Quiz
مذكر مؤنث
مذكر مؤنث Match up
8 Flip tiles
I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?