lightning fast - very fast, and often without warning, a piece of cake - is used to describe a situation that’s really easy, wouldn’t hurt a fly - is used to describe sb who is very gentle, pain in the neck - sth/sb that’s annoying, to hit the road - to leave a place, to jump ship - to quit sth; to leave sth; to abandon a group of people/teammates, (to have) itchy feet - the desire to travel, to have your head in the clouds - sb who isn’t paying attention, to get something off (my) chest - to say sth that you wanted to say for a long time, (to feel) under the weather - to feel sick, (to have) a change of heart - to change the way you feel about sth, your opinion, (to be) wrapped around (sb’s) finger - to be under sb’s control, to wing it - to do sth without a plan, to bite off more than you can chew - to try to do sth that’s above your abilities or too difficult, to bring sth to the table - to offer sth of value, (to be) in a pickle - to be in a tricky or difficult situation, to get out of hand - unable to control a situation, to have a lot​/​enough​/​too much on your plate - to have a lot of/enough/too many things to worry about or deal with,

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