1) Where is … phone? a) my b) mine 2) The bag is Ela's. The jacket is …, too a) her b) hers c) his 3) Where are Tom and Lucy? … dad is on the phone a) their b) theirs c) our 4) … tea is getting cold a) your b) yours 5) These aren't … friends a) our b) ours 6) These glasses are ... a) my b) mine 7) Is this Tina's scooter? Yes, it's ... a) her b) hers 8) These are your CDs. Is this CD …, too? a) your b) yours 9) Are these … books? a) their b) theirs 10) Whose bags are these? They are ... a) our b) ours 11) This is my brother's camera. The camera is ... a) his b) hers c) her 12) These books are for the new students. The books are … a) their b) ours c) theirs 13) These presents are for us. The presents are ... a) theirs b) our c) ours 14) My grandma lives in this house. This house is ... a) her b) hers c) his 15) My family and I live in this house. This house is ... a) our b) ours c) theirs 16) These sandwiches are for Tina and Lucy. The sandwiches are ... a) their b) our c) theirs 17) Where are you, Tom? … mum is on the phone a) yours b) your 18) These trainers aren't ... a) mine b) my 19) These aren't … books a) their b) theirs 20) … dinner is getting cold a) our b) ours 21) This pen is Jenny's. The rubber is …, too a) her b) hers

possessive pronouns


Visual style

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