1) How ... I help you? a) do b) can c) am 2) I'm looking ... a shirt. a) on b) at c) for 3) The shirts are ... here. a) over b) right c) next to 4) ... particular colour? a) Some b) Any c) What 5) A blue ..., please. a) one b) two c) that 6) ... size are you? a) How many b) What c) How much 7) I'm ... 16 collar. a) in size b) of size c) a size 8) ... this one? a) What about b) How about c) What is 9) ... is it? a) What b) How many c) How much 10) ... 15 pounds, please. a) They are b) That's c) These are 11) Here ... are. a) they b) you c) we 12) ... a nice day! a) Have b) It's c) What

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