1) In a fraction, the number on the top is the ................ a) Denominator b) Numerator c) Fraction 2) What is the numerator in 5/9? a) b) c) 3) 1/9 is a unit fraction.  a) True b) False 4) What is the numerator in 5/8? a) b) c) 5) What fraction of the vegetables shown are carrots? a) 1/5 b) 2/5 c) 3/5 d) 5/5 6) 3/6 is a unit fraction. a) True b) False 7) In a fraction, the number on the bottom is the ................   a) Fraction b) Numerator c) Denominator 8) What is the denominator in 5/8? a) b) c) 9) What is the numerator in 3/6? a) b) c) 10) 6/10 is a fraction. a) True b) False 11) What is the denominator in 3/6? a) b) c) 12) What is the numerator in 9/10? a) b) c) 13) What is the denominator in 3/7? a) b) c) 14) The fraction of the set that is basketballs. a) 3/10 b) 3/5 c) 5/10 d) 2/10 15) The fraction of the set that is baseballs. a) 3/10 b) 3/5 c) 5/10 d) 2/10 16) The fraction of the set that is footballs. a) 3/10 b) 5/10 c) 3/5 d) 2/10 17) How many shaded and unshaded parts of the rectangle? a) 1 shaded and 3 unshaded b) 2 shaded and 2 unshaded c) 3 shaded and 1 unshaded d) 4 shaded and 0 unshaded 18) How many equal parts of the circle? a) b) c) d) 19) 2/8 is a fraction. a) True b) False 20) This is a fraction  a) True b) False 21) This is a fraction a) True b) False 22) This is not a fraction a) True  b) False  23) This is a fraction a) True b) False 24) This is a fraction a) True b) False

Fractions 2


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