1) My father _________ I go to the shop a) and b) or c) but 2) I want to go to school, ________ I'm not feeling well a) and b) or c) but 3) I'm not sure which one to choose. Which one is better, chicken ________ fish ? a) and b) or  c) but 4) Alicia loves her brothers __________ sisters. a) or b) and c) but 5) She can't decide whether to buy ice cream ____________ snacks. a) or b) and c) but 6) He is a good basketball player, __________ he is lazy. a) or b) but c) and 7) __________ is Jack? I can't find him anywhere. a) Who b) Where c) What 8) __________ is the cat's name? a) Who b) What c) Where 9) ____________ is going to help you to carry those bags? a) Where b) What c) Who 10) ____________ is happening over there? a) Who b) Where c) What 11) Hmmm. _________ did I put my glasses just now? a) Who b) Where c) What 12) ____________ wants to follow me to the canteen? a) Where b) Who c) What



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