1) If you could invite any celebrity to a dinner party tonight, who would you invite and why? 2) You're offered two pills. RED pill: could make you invisible for a day. BLUE pill: could let you re-live any day from your life. Which would you choose?   3) If you could turn into a movie/cartoon character, who would it be? Why?  4) If you could make an interview with any historical figure, who would it be and why? 5) If you had to spend half a year on a desert island (with plenty of food and water), what two things would you want to have with you? Why? 6) If you were an animal, which animal would you be? Why do you think so? 7) Imagine you are living in the 1500s. What would your life be like? Who would you be? 8) If you could only keep one book for the rest of your life, which book would it be? Why? 9) If your life was made into a film, and you had to cast an actor/actress to play you, who yould you choose? Why? 10) Imagine you could take part in the shooting of any movie you like. Which movie would it be? Why? 11) If you were told that you have 2 hours to pack your suitcase and travel anywhere for free, where would you travel? Why? 12) If you could suddenly "enter the world" of a famous painting, which painting would it be? Why? 13) If you could sing a duet with any famous singer on stage, which singer would it be? Why?   14) If you had half a year with no obligations or financial limitations, how would you spend the time?  15) If you could be a superhero, what would want your superpower to be?


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