Anselm: Definition of God- God is 'that then which nothing greater can be conceived'., 'God is the greatest being that can be thought of'., We can think of things in our mind (or understanding) but to exist in reality is greater., Believes that there is universal understanding of God, even if people don't accept that God exists., God has to exist because He is the greatest being conceivable so must exist in both mind and reality., Psalm 14:1 "The fool in his heart says there is no God"., Gaunilo: Argues that having an understanding of something in your mind does not mean that it also exists in reality., Example used: just because you imagine a 'perfect island' that no one has ever found, does not mean that it has to exist., It is difficult to understand 'God' with any certainty as we have nothing to relate it to, even in our mind., Accuses Anselm of poor reasoning because simply imagining something could bring anything into existence., Kant: Criticised ontological arguments., Argues that the concept of the 100 silver coins is the same, whether the coins are on the table in front of me or a picture in my thoughts., All statements about existence must be synthetic, not analytic., Argues that existence is not a real or determining predicate,, Descartes: Defines God as a supremely perfect being containing supremely perfect characteristics such as omnibenevolence and omnipotence., 'I cannot conceive God without existence'. , Argument of a triangle which must have angles equivalent to 180 degrees. Without this predicate it is not a triangle., A mountain cannot be separated from the valley just like existence cannot be separated from the essence of God.,

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