需要(xu yao) - need to, 穿(chuan) - to wear, 裙子(qun zi) - dress/skirt, 袜子(wa zi) - socks, 裤子(ku zi) - pants, 衣服(yi fu) - clothes, 高跟鞋(gao gen xie) - high heels, 鞋子(xie zi) - shoes, 咖啡色(ka fei se) - brown, 夹克(jia ke) - jacket, 毕业舞会(bi ye wu hui) - graduation party, 时髦(shi mao) - fashionable, 便宜(pian yi) - cheap, 标准(biao zhun) - criteria, 导购(dao gou) - shopping guide, 打折(da zhe) - discount, 手表(shou biao) - watch, 网上买(wang shang mai) - shop online, 购物中心(gou wu zhong xin) - shopping center, 已经(yi jing) - already, 贵(gui) - expensive, 合适(he shi) - suitable, 钱(qian) - money, 舞会(wu hui) - ball/prom, 帽子(mao zi) - hat, 卖(mai) - to sell, 衬衫(chen shan) - dress shirt, 买(mai) - to buy, 游泳衣(you yong yi) - swim suit, 逛街(guang jie) - in person shopping,

gong ke 15


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