1) 下列何者不是第三人稱單數? a) he b) you c) she d) Mary e) Tom f) it 2) 下列何者是第三人稱單數? a) we b) you c) Peter and Tina d) they e) Sam f) my sisters 3) 在現在式中,主詞為第三人稱單數時,動詞則要_______ a) 加 s 或 es b) 不用改變 c) 加上ing d) 看心情加 s e) 看心情加ing 4) What do you do after school? a) 你下班後在做什麼? b) 你下課後在做什麼? c) 你放學後在做什麼? d) 你在學校後面做什麼? 5) What _____ he do after school? 他放學後在做什麼? a) do b) does c) doing d) dos 6) My arms ______.  我的手臂好痛 a) hurts b) is hurt c) hurting d) hurt 7) My right foot ______. 我的右腳好痛 a) hurts b) is hurt c) hurting d) hurt 8) Some ice is here. 的倒裝句是哪一個? a) Here some ice is. b) Some ice here is. c) Here is some ice. d) Ereh si eci emos. 9) What do you do ___ Sundays? 你每個星期日都在做什麼? a) in b) every c) at d) on 10) What does she do ___ Saturday? 她每個星期六都在做什麼? a) in b) every c) at d) on 11) Cindy is ___ a long pink dress. Cindy 穿著粉紅長洋裝 a) on b) for c) in d) at 12) You ____ do it right now! 你必須要現在做(功課)! a) has to b) has  c) have d) have to 13) I can’t go ___ you. 我無法跟你去 a) in b) with c) on d) at 14) The girls ___ the door. 女孩們敲門 a) knock on b) knock c) knocks on d) knocks 15) What ___ you doing, Bruce? 你正在做什麼 Bruce? a) do b) is c) does d) are

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