1) In America, there is a new year celebration on _____ a) December 31st-January 1st b) Lunar New Year c) Rosh Hashanah d) Muharram (Hajri New Year) e) All of the above 2) In America, Groundhog Day is ______ a) illegal b) a religious holiday c) a holiday to predict the start of spring d) celebrated twice a year e) a public holiday 3) Super Bowl Sunday is _____ a) the national championship for American football b) a day of thanksgiving c) the day after Christmas d) a religious holiday e) celebrated only in Canada 4) Traditionally, for Valentine's Day, _____ a) women give gifts to men b) men give gifts to women c) adults give gifts to children d) children give gifts to adults e) all of the above 5) Mardi Gras, which happens before Lent, is a _____ holiday. a) Jewish b) Muslim c) Protestant d) Catholic e) Hindu f) Buddhist 6) In the South, Mardi Gras is a popular time to host _____ a) sports competitions b) rodeos c) debutante balls d) barbecues 7) During Lent, some people _____ a) don't eat meat b) go to religious services c) put ash on their foreheads d) pray e) all of the above 8) True or False: The Hindu festival Holi is celebrated in the USA. a) True b) False 9) Purim is a Jewish festival to remember the sacrifices of _____ a) Queen Esther b) Haman c) Mordechai d) The king of Persia 10) St. Patrick's Day celebrates _____ a) the patron saint of Ireland b) a Welsh Catholic priest named Maewyn c) the color green d) all of the above 11) Passover is _____ a) a serious, ritual holiday b) a fun, crazy holiday c) a secular (not religious) holiday d) all of the above 12) The American celebration of Easter has aspects of _____ a) Christianity b) Pagan religions c) Modern ideas d) All of the above 13) April Fool's Day is _____ a) a religious holiday b) April 31st c) a day for playing tricks on other people d) only celebrated in the USA e) all of the above 14) What is the Cinco de Mayo? a) A bowl of mayonnaise, used to trick people b) The 5th of May, when Mexicans defeated Napoleon c) A reason for Americans to drink beer and eat tacos d) The Norman invasion of England e) B and C f) A and D 15) Which of the following is NOT a Mother's Day tradition? a) Mothers receive flowers b) Children cook breakfast for their mother c) Mothers clean the house d) Families eat at a restaurant 16) On Shavuot, Jewish people eat ______ a) milk in the morning and meat in the evening b) meat in the morning and milk in the evening c) meat and milk together all day d) no milk or meat all day 17) On Ramadan, most Muslim people eat _____ a) fish instead of meat b) cakes and cookies c) two meals d) and drink nothing while the sun is up e) A and B f) C and D 18) True or False: Father usually receive flowers for Father's Day. a) True b) False 19) Eid al Adha remembers the sacrifice of Abraham, who is important in ______ a) Islam b) Christianity c) Judaism d) All of the above 20) How many days is Sukkot? a) One b) Two c) Four d) Eight e) Fourteen f) Forty 21) Yom Kippur is _____ a) 8 days after Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year) b) a day for fasting (no eating) c) a day to remember and apologize for mistakes d) All of the above 22) The holiday with ghosts and scary creatures was _____ a) called Samhain, then All Hallows Eve, then Halloween b) called All Hallows Eve, then Samhain, then Halloween c) originally Gaelic d) originally Greek e) A and C  f) B and D 23) Today, Halloween is mostly celebrated by a) adults b) the elderly c) young children d) teenagers 24) "Día de los Muertos" means _____ in Spanish. a) Day of the Merchants b) Day of the Melodies c) Day of the Mummies d) Day of the Dead 25) The First Thanksgiving was _____ a) Irishmen and Cherokee Indians, 1898, Texas b) Germans and Seminole Indians, 1821, Florida c) Frenchmen and Iroquois Indians, 1768, Canada d) Englishmen and Wampanoag Indians, 1621, Virginia 26) What is Black Friday? a) Any Friday the 13th b) The day of Jesus Christ's death c) The day after Thanksgiving d) None of the above e) Any of the above 27) Foods served on Chanukah are traditionally _____ a) sugary b) salty c) oily d) bitter e) savory 28) Which of the following is NOT a food associated with Chanukah? a) sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) b) latkes (fried potatoes) c) charoset (fruit and nut paste) d) applesauce 29) The Christmas figure of Santa Claus is based on ____ a) St. Patrick b) St. Nicholas c) St. Augustine d) St. Caius 30) In addition to Christianity, the Anglophone celebration of Christmas is related to _____ a) the pagan winter festival Yule b) Wodan and the Wild Hunt c) the winter solstice d) all of the above

Famous Holidays Celebrated in America


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