1) A: I am too tired to go to the cinema.  B: Don't worry. We _________ a DVD instead. a) are going to rent b) will rent c) is going to rent 2) Now that she has enough money, I'm sure she ________ a new car. a) is going to buy b) are going to buy c) will buy 3) It's very hot today. I _________ to the beach after lunch. a) am going to go b) will go c) are going to go 4) I promise _______ back on time. a) will be b) am going to be c) 'm going to be 5) Look at those clouds. It________ . a) is going to rain. b) will rain c) going to rain 6) I studied very hard. I am sure _____ excellent grades. a) will get b) am going to get c) will getting 7) Andrew ______ to New York tomorrow evening. a) will drive b) am going to drive c) is going to drive 8) I think ______ go to bed. a) am going to go b) will go c) is going to go 9) It is very quiet here. I ________ on the radio. a) am going to turn b) will turn c) are going to turn 10) Look! He _________. a) is going to fall down. b) will fall down. c) will falling down.


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