Credit Cards: Credit Cards, you are borrowing money, must be 21 to have your own card, you can borrow as much as you want up to your limit, must pay compound interest on the money you spend, affects your credit score and credit history, may offer rewards for your spending, can make a purchase without having available fund, makes it easy to spend beyond your budget, involves fees for late-payments, no liability for fraudulent purchases , can receive a cash advance (loan) up to your limit, Debit Cards: Debit Cards, takes money directly from your checking account, must have a checking or savings account to get a card, can access only the amount in your account, no interest charges, does not affect your credit score or credit history, prevents you from making a purchase you cannot afford, will charge an overdraft if you overspend, requires a pin number to use, can be held liable up to $500 for fraudulent purchases,

Cards Debit vs. Credit


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