1) ... Friday a) at b) on c) in 2) ... the weekend a) at b) on c) in 3) 12 o'clock in the day a) noon b) afternoon c) midnight 4) 12 o'clock in the night a) noon b) midnight c) evening 5) 6 is ... 7 a) after b) before c) from 6) 10 is ... 9 a) after b) before c) to 7) Które słowo nie jest porą dnia: a) morning b) evening c) week day 8) Easter (Wielkanoc) is on ... a) Friday and Saturday b) Sunday and Monday c) Tuesday and Wednesday 9) breakfast, lunch , dinner , .... a) meal b) supper c) food 10) A .... is 7 days. a) hour b) time c) week 11) My mum ... at 6 a.m. a) goes up b) gets up c) gives up 12) 60 minutes is an ... a) heir b) hare c) hour 13) Lunch is my favourite ... a) choose b) supper c) meal 14) I .... to organise a party at the weekend. a) when b) wear c) want 15) Twój kuzyn ma 13 urodziny. Jak złożysz mu życzenia? a) What a pity! b) All the best! c) What a nice surprise! 16) Nie podoba ci się bluzka, którą kupiła Ci mama. Co powiesz? a) What a nice surprise! b) It's awful! c) Here's a present for you! 17) Wybierz przeciwieństwo do: start a) choose b) finish c) prepare 18) When do you go swimming? a) At the weekend b) To the swimming pool c) With my dad 19) I often help my mum ..... dinner. a) choose b) get back c) prepare 20) Wybierz przeciwieństwo do : always a) sometimes b) often c) never 21) I'm sorry, I can't come to your birthday party. a) What a nice surprise! b) What a pity! c) Congratulations! 22) She ... eat dinner with her family. a) doesn't b) isn't c) don't 23) My mum and dad never ... fast food. a) eat b) eats c) are eat 24) Do ... listen to music at the weekend? a) Kate b) Kate and Jerry c) my sister 25) Present Simple to angielski czas: a) teraźniejszy b) przeszly c) przyszły 26) W czasie Present Simple końcówkę -s dodaje się w 3 osobie liczby pojedyńczej: a) w zdaniach twierdzących b) w pytaniach c) w przeczeniach 27) Our teacher ... always at school before 8. a) does b) is c) has 28) ...... do you read magazines? Every day. a) What time b) How often c) Where 29) I get up at 7 ... a) in the afternoon b) in the morning c) in the evening 30) I go to bed at midnight. Oh, It's so ... a) nice b) early c) late


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