How are you today? / How are things? / How's life? - I'm very well/fine/not bad thanks. And you?, How are your family? - Very well, thanks. My son’s just started university., How has your week been so far? - Not bad, thanks. Not so many meetings., How was your journey / flight? - Quite comfortable, thanks. / Not too good. It was delayed nearly 5 hours., How was your weekend? - Great. I played golf then I went out for a drink., How's your wife? - She’s very well, thanks. She asked me to say hi to you., How's business (doing)? - Very well, thanks. Our new product is selling well., How's the weather? - Unfortunately, it’s still raining., How's work? - Very busy. It always is at this time of the year. How about yours?, How's your project going? - Very well. We should finish on time., How's your hotel? / What's your hotel like? - It’s not bad. The swimming pool is very nice., What do you do? / What's your job? - I'm an auditor., What does your company do? / What kind of company do you work for? - It's an insurance company., What are your duties? / What's your role? / What exactly do you do? - I supervise the quality control process., What's your bestselling / main / most famous product? - We sell all kinds of things but most people know us for our household insurance., Where are you staying? - I’m staying at the Hilton. It’s five minutes from here on foot., Where do you travel on business? - Mainly Southeast Asia, especially Singapore., Where's your company based? - Its HQ is in Vienna, near the Opera House., Who are your main competitors? - The market leader is Nike., How long are you here in Tokyo? - Just this weekend. / About 3 months, maybe longer., How often do you come here? - Usually once or twice a year., Why are you here today? / What brings you here today? - I’m just networking. / I’m looking for new suppliers.,

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