I really like... V-ing., I hate...V-ing., When I'm on holiday I love...V-ing., I enjoy...V-ing., After the lesson I want to..., After the lesson I don't want to ..., I think it's imporant to ..., ...is the best way to keep fit., I'm interested in...V-ing., I'm good at...V-ing., If you're bored it's a good idea to go...V-ing., I feel a bit worried about...V-ing/noun., I find it easy to..., I find it difficult to..., I find it funny to..., I find it boring to..., I find it interesting to..., One day I want to..., ...is the best way to learn new vocabulary., ...is the best way to make friends., ...is the best way to relax., Last week I decided to ..., When I was a child I tried to ..., When I go shopping..., When I go fishing..., I think it's stupid to..., ...is terrible in my opinion., I find it hard to ..., ... every day is good for your health., ...is easier at a young age., I'm learning English to..., I want to have more money to..., I want to have more free time to..., I think it's boring to..., For me it's interesting to....

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