1) Thomas Alva Edison was a great scientist. He ____________ the light bulb in 1879 and patented on January 27,1880.  a) discovered b) invented c) received d) informed 2) Coronavirus is a type of virus that causes illness or even death.Vaccine can be useful to______this pandemic. a) improve b) transmit c) prevent d) support 3) Transport for London is now using a system to guide ____passengers. They travel safely in the city centre a) sight-disabled b) skin cancer c) walking stick d) computed tomography 4) Aziz Sancar is a Turkish molecular biologist. He got the Nobel __________in Chemistry,in 2015. a) cure b) prize c) cell d) sample 5) By the help of ____________ devices, people make their lives more comfortable. a) barcode b) neurone c) microbe d) high-tech 6) Choose the correct answer. a) x-ray b) vaccinate c) conduct an experiment d) heat the test tube 7) Alexander Graham Bell ........ the telephone and phonograph. a) discovered b) looked for c) explored d) invented 8) _____ people are either blind or have a very poor vision. a) Mental capacity b) With the help of c) Sight-disabled d) Wheel chair bound 9) In a/an _________ , if you come second, don't be sad.This means that you're still successful. a) exhibition b) appearance c) dialysis d) competition 10) Matter can be in _________ , liquid or gas form a) solid b) genius c) layer d) kind 11) Doctors always do researches and experiments to _________ diseases like cancer or ALS. a) promote b) develop c) move d) cure 12) Nowadays, a lot of young Turkish artists _________ in great exhibitions abroad. a) prevent b) take part c) search d) recognize 13) With _________ and patience, you can be really successful in your field. a) discussion b) competition c) contributions d) determination 14) If a thing is not simple, it means that it is ______ a) award b) muscle c) complex d) particular

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