1) What do you like and dislike about your class? 2) Do you think that the form teacher is a part of the class? Why/why not? 3) Would you say that your school has enough equipment? If not, what's missing? 4) Would you rather have all the lessons in one classroom or move to different classrooms for each lesson? Tell us the reasons. 5) Do you feel good in your current school? What would you change? 6) Do you think there should be surveillance cameras in school? Why/why not? 7) What are some pros and cons of private schools? 8) Do you ever play truant? What are the reasons? 9) Have you got any plans already on what to do after you finish this school? When should students start thinking about their future? 10) In your opinion, is there any diference between a male and female teacher? Explain your point of view. 11) Do you feel pressure connected with school? Who or what makes you feel this way? 12) Would you like to wear a school uniform? Why/why not? 13) Have you got any good or bad memories from kindergarten? 14) Do you attend any after school lessons? What subjects? 15) Would you agree that our education system kills students' creativity? Explain your point of view. 16) Would you like to go to a boarding school? What are the pros and cons of this type of school? 17) Is going to a university still something prestigeous? Why/why not? 18) Is homework necessary? Justify your opinion. 19) Do you cheat at school? How do you feel about this? 20) Would you say that contemporary schools teach students how to bare with life or not?


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