1) Jeremy: What does she look like? Sally: She has got short blonde hair and brown eyes. She is short and plump. a) b) c) d) 2) Our teacher is very punctual because she always ________. a) stays at home and watch tv b) arrives at school on time c) misses the meetings d) has a healthy life style 3) An elephant is ________ a mouse a) smaller than b) bigger than c) big d) small 4) My grandpa loves playing with kids. He is very ______ and ______. a) generous/ stingy b) angry/ selfish c) friendly/ funny d) coward/ caressing 5) My sister always forget the keys at home. She is very _______. a) forgetful b) late c) thoughful d) clumsy 6) Aysun is tall and_______. She has got _______ eyes and _______ hair. a) slim/ brown / short straight b) skinny/ brown/ wavy c) slim/ red/ long curly d) plum/ brown/ long 7) Kars is _____ İzmir in winter. a) cold than b) more cold than c) colder than d) hotter than 8) ''Sarah has got curly black hair.'' Which girl is Sarah? a) b) c) d) 9) Pelin is a _______ student. She studies her lessons very easy. a) hardworking b) lazy c) shy d) stubborn 10) Murat: ________? Sude: She is short and slim with long wavy hair. a) Who has long wavy hair? b) What does your mother look like? c) What does your mother like? d) Who is your best friend in the class? 11) Everybody loves İlknur in the classroom because she is very _____ and _____. a) helpfull/ clever b) angry/ ugly c) sick/ sleepy d) tall/ stubborn 12) Lina has ____ and _____ hair. a) short/ brown b) curly/ blonde c) wavy/ brown d) long/ black 13) It is _____ you should wear thick clothes. a) too hot b) too cold c) too tired d) too small 14) Fred is ________ Barni. a) thinner than b) shorter than c) happier than d) taller than 15) This is Selin's rooms. Look, how tidy it is. Selin is so ________. a) loud b) outgoing c) regular d) messy 16) Görselle ilgili aşağıdakilerden hangisi yanlıştır? a) Mehmet is younger than Can b) Can is shorter than Mehmet c) Can is faster than Mehmet d) Mehmet is older than Can 17) Lucy loves meeting with her friends every weekend. She is so ________. a) plump b) beatiful c) punctual d) outgoing 18) Verilen kelimelerden hangi ikisi yer değiştirirse sınıflandırma doğru olur? a) tall- outgoing b) slim-smart c) plump-thoughtful d) stubborn- well built 19) Görseldeki kişiyi ifade eden seçenek hangisidir? a) She is overweight with short,curly,blonde hair b) She is slim with short,curly,dark hair c) She is beautiful with long,wavy,blonde hair d) She is well built with long,wavy,dark hair 20) I'm tall and of medium weight with short, curly, dark hair and brown eyes. I'm wearing a jacket and blue jeans. a) b) c) d)

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