Graham Bell ____ the telephone in 1872 Students are conducting an ____ in the chemistry class Scientists are working on bionic eyes to help ____ people I think the computer is the most useful electronic ____ Isaac Newton was a great scientist. He ____ the gravity I want to see some ____ of the dinosaurs in the museum My friends and I have a nature club. We ____ trees every year Stephen Hawking was an important ____ He was designing a ____ that could walk and talk There was an ____ when the train hit the car Doctors are developing a ____ for ilnesses He is conducting a ____ research in the lab Özlem Türeci and Uğur Şahin have invented a ____ for COVID19 I'm ____ the cells through the misroscope Human beings ____ into space for the first time in 1961 I accidentally broke one of the ____ tubes I'm using goggles to ____ my eyes Albert Einstein was a mathematical ____ Marie Curie discovered the elements of ____ and polonium We use ____ to measure the temperature The invention of a plane was long ____ Corona virus is a frightening ____ all over the world Alexander Fleming was the first person who discovered ____ Archimedes invented the ____ Galileo invented the first ____



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