1) A plate of keratin that lies on the tips of the fingers and toes. a) Lunula b) Free Edge of Nail c) Nail Bed d) Nail 2) The pearly colored and crescent shaped structure of the nail. a) Free Edge of Nail b) Nail Plate c) Lunula d) Matrix 3) The overlapping epidermis around the nail. a) Nail Plate b) Cuticle c) Nail Bed d) Matrix 4) The only living reproducing part of the nail. a) Matrix b) Nail Walls c) Cuticle d) eponychium 5) The part of the nail where the nail plate rests on, also a continuation of the matrix. a) Nail Bed b) Cuticle c) Nail Folds d) Matrix 6) The part of the nail that can be filed and shaped. a) Nail Plate b) Nail c) Free Edge of Nail d) Lunula 7) The folds of skin that overlap the sides of the nail. a) Nail Walls b) Free Edge of Nail c) Cuticle d) Lunula 8) It is the visible nail that rests on the nail bed up to the free edge. a) Lunula b) Nail Plate c) Cuticle d) Nail 9) It is the tissue that encloses the nail matrix at the root of the nail. a) eponychium b) Nail Folds c) Lunula d) Cuticle 10) Another name for cuticle. a) Free Edge of Nail b) eponychium c) Nail Folds d) Matrix

Basic Information About Nail and Its Structure


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