1) I feel very ________ a) bored b) boring 2) Museums are very __________ a) interested b) interesting 3) I am always ______________ when I watch scary films. a) frightened b) frightening 4) This exercise is going to be very __________ a) tired b) tiring 5) I am so ___________ about the football match. a) excited b) exciting 6) I am __________ that she moved to another country. a) surprised b) surprising 7) This ride is so ____________ a) excited b) exciting 8) I feel so ___________ after the basketball match. a) tired b) tiring 9) His decision is very ____________ a) surprised b) surprising 10) I am ___________ in science books. a) interested b) interesting 11) This film is so ____________ a) fightened b) frightening 12) Looking at the sky is very ___________ a) boring b) bored

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