1) I have to ... Mary on my way home. a) come up b) pick up c) take up 2) Their company wants to ... all important documents. a) take over b) take on c) take out 3) It's difficult time for our firm, we have ... the great problem. a) come up b) come up with c) come up against 4) First he ... with them, and now he ha stolen their things. a) hung on b) hung up c) hung around 5) All you need to do is ... with a good idea. a) come up b) come on c) come 6) Running usually ... me ... first, but then I feel much better.  a) wear ... up b) wear ... out c) wear ... off 7) These shops ... people, who don't eat meat. a) cater for b) cater of c) cater on 8) Why are you ... here? It's your working time! a) chilling up b) chilling to c) chilling out 9) New video will ... a huge amount of viewers. a) pull to b) pull in c) pull on 10) Tell her to ... the shop and buy some milk, please. a) pop up b) pop into c) pop to 11) We should ... the amount of sweets we eat because the summer is almost here. a) cut down b) cut down off c) cut down on

Complete First. Unit 10. Phrasal verbs


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